Everyone knows the challenge of learning something new for the very first time.  Even the best experts in the world started out knowing very little of their subject.  Learning a new skill or subject takes time and dedication.

At McKellar, we understand that.  When it comes to understanding the benefits of structured settlements, every one of us here had to start at the beginning.   Like many injured plaintiffs, most of us started our careers at McKellar not even knowing what a structured settlement is (which we think is for the best, as it means none of us or our loved ones have ever needed one!)

Because of this, no matter our job description, we all know that we are in the business of educating people.  This includes our own staff – so that we can in turn help others understand the importance of structures.

To work at McKellar, you must be an interested learner - not only learning a new skill, but learning and understanding an entirely new industry.  In fact, one of the most unanimous answers for “what surprised you the most about working at McKellar?” among new staff was discovering how much there is to learn about this industry.  This is exciting, but of course, can be daunting for a new employee.  There is a very steep learning curve, many procedures, and focus on accuracy and exceptional service on which McKellar prides itself.  However, one of the great things about working at McKellar is the open door policy.  No question is too big or too small.  There really is no such thing as a dumb question.

It is challenging at times, but most of all it is exciting to learn and grow at McKellar.  One of the most common pieces of advice given to new staff is “ask lots of questions”. Even our most experienced and knowledgeable staff are always learning new things and asking questions.  We support each other and are always learning together.

That goes for all of our clients, not just our staff.  Anyone at McKellar is ready and willing to answer any questions you may have – no matter your own level of understanding.

As one of McKellar’s newer employees, I can tell you from experience that we are always available and ready to help.  So don’t hesitate to reach out and ask your own questions about structured settlements.